Sort, Load and Distribute
Be a distribution host on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 8 – 11 a.m. Help unload the truck, set-up the store, distribute items and clean up. We typically sort items and load the Stock the Shelves truck on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette, at 7 p.m. However, where our inventory comes from determines when we sort items and load the truck. Email Erin Raska (revraska@fpcw.org) to be notified when we need volunteers to sort items and load the truck.

​Photographed above are Stock the Shelves translators, Bukari, Augustine and Nikesh. Each of these translators help communicate with Stock the Shelves guests during the registration and distribution process. We are so grateful for their ability to speak several languages and for the way they add welcome and hospitality to Stock the Shelves! Email Erin Raska (revraska@fpcw.org) to volunteer to translate on distribution days.
Share this page and let your friends and family know about Stock The Shelves. We want to reach as many families in need as possible!

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